Academic Support_old

Academic Support_old

We firmly believe that education is the cornerstone of empowerment, and academic support serves as the catalyst for unlocking limitless potential. Our dedication to academic support underscores our commitment to the transformative power of education. We strive to provide individuals with the financial backing, tools, guidance and resources necessary to excel both personally and academically. Our vision is a future where every individual has equal opportunities to realize their full potential, thereby paving the way for a brighter and more equitable society.

  • Student Supports
  • Scholarship
  • Publication Support
  • Chair Professorship / Professor of Practise
  • नमो पंचक्रिया
  • BKS (Bhartiya Knowledge System)

Numerous avenues exist for supporting academic aspirations at Ganpat University, including 

Student Scholarships

Financial support for student scholarships at private universities in India enables deserving individuals to access quality education, regardless of their financial constraints. By contributing to scholarships, donors empower students to pursue their academic aspirations, unlock their full potential, and become future leaders in their respective fields. Investing in student scholarships not only fosters academic excellence but also promotes social mobility and inclusivity, creating opportunities for deserving students to thrive and make meaningful contributions to society

Lab Enhancement Funds for Equipment

Donations for lab enhancement funds are crucial for private universities in India to maintain cutting-edge facilities for research and innovation. Supporting advanced equipment acquisition empowers researchers to conduct high-quality experiments, tackle societal challenges, and push the boundaries of knowledge. This investment enhances faculty research capabilities, elevates our reputation as a center of excellence, attracts top talent, and fosters collaborations with industry and academia.

Library and Technology Funds

Financial contributions towards library and technology funds are instrumental in modernizing and expanding the academic resources available at private universities. By investing in libraries and technology infrastructure, donors enrich the learning experience for students, providing access to a diverse array of educational materials, digital resources, and cutting-edge technologies. Supporting library and technology funds not only promotes academic excellence but also equips students and faculty with the tools they need to succeed in today’s rapidly evolving knowledge economy.

Research Grants

Supporting research grants is essential for advancing knowledge frontiers and nurturing innovation, benefiting undergraduate and graduate students alike. Donors empower faculty and students to explore complex issues, achieve breakthroughs, and tackle industry challenges across diverse disciplines. Engaging in research offers students invaluable hands-on experience, fosters critical thinking, and exposes them to real-world problems and solutions.

For more information on the type of research taking place at the University – Click here

Faculty Endowed Chair or Faculty Professorships

Endowing chairs or professorships at private universities is a transformative way to recognize and support exemplary faculty members who demonstrate exceptional scholarship, teaching, and leadership. By establishing endowed chairs or professorships, donors honor distinguished academics, provide resources for faculty development and research, and elevate the academic stature of the institution. Supporting faculty allows us to attract and retain top talent but also ensures continuity and excellence in teaching and research for generations to come.

For more information on how to support these programs contact:

Dedicated to fostering positive impact across various spheres of society.


Ganpat University Ganpat Vidyanagar, Mehsana-Gandhinagar Highway, PO - 384012, North Gujarat, INDIA

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